Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jan Ullrich Announces His Retirement

Jan Ullrich has announced his retirement as a professional cyclist. At a press conference in Hamburg, Ullrich told journalists that he would be joining Austrian cycling team, Volksbank, as an advisor. Ullrich last year was charged with blood doping during the2006 Tour De France. He has always clamed his innocence the entire time. During the past seven Tour De Fances Ullrich has been on the podium with Lance Armstrong, but has never beaten the Americans. I feel that he wanted to show that he could even if that included cheating. Now he is getting too old for racing and will never have that chance.

Jan Ullrich, is he changing is ways or will he start helping his new team dope in hopes that they will beat the Americans?

This is an example of public relations because the article is letting people know that Ullrich is retiring. Fans of Ullrich can now follow him to his new team and continue to support him. Many cyclist retire and then become cpokesmen or coaches for other cycling team. I feel that many of the cyclist love the sport and cannot bring themselves to leave it. Time will tell if Ullrich will end up on Cycling Andrew's "Honest Cyclist List" or "Cycling Andrew's "Crime Cyclist List."


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